Norton Norris

Questioning Elegance Module

Sam F. provided the following thoughts on the Questioning Elegance Module: "I think the questioning elegance module was enlightening to ask “Tell me about your situation” and listening to what they said. Then, we continue to uncover their needs and eventually move on with additional questions. This ends up helping students realize how to achieve their goals. I think it was strategic because it also helps students understand the expectations to achieve their goals. This way the counselor and student are on the same page. I also think that it holds the student accountable to understand what they need to understand and accomplish this goal.  Essentially, in my opinion, this will create a stronger relationship with students and have them trust us more."

Jim B. Jim B.
asked 07/07/2021 17:26
  • #questioning #uncoveringobstacles
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Last Activity 09/07/2021 17:14

1 Answer(s)

  • answered 09/06/2021 23:42
    Christopher Y.
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    Jim B.
    replied 09/07/2021 17:14

    Hi Chris,

    Thank you for your response. Great points, Chris. Empowering your students will allow them the opportunity to assume ownership and take the initiative.

    Thanks again!

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