Norton Norris

Attributes and Benefits Module

Brittany P. Commented:  "Great modules and very beneficial to my day to day. From the Attributes and Benefits module, the biggest and most important takeaway was understanding what makes our university stand out the most in order to be able to show prospective students how it can benefit them. When I truly understand the needs of a student, I can then assess how we can benefit them with our program. This has allowed me to ask more questions around what the students need from a school and make a list on our key attributes as a university. I received great reminders on asking open ended and above the line questions to help expand my conversations and build rapport with students."

Jim B. Jim B.
asked 07/07/2021 19:26
  • #attributes #benefits #
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Jim B.
replied 09/07/2021 17:01

Thank you for your post and feedback, Brittany. 

Absolutely, correct. Another great question (one of the 7-root questions) for your prospective students is "How will you know when you have found the right school?"  Let them share with you when they know they have found the right institution based on what they are seeking (flexible hours, right problem, financial aid, etc.). Once they share this information with you, it will provide you the insight needed to help the student determine if the institution is the right fit for them based on their needs and desires. 


#attributes #benefits #rightfit 



Last Activity 09/07/2021 17:03

1 Answer(s)

  • answered 09/06/2021 23:53
    Christopher Y.
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    Jim B.
    replied 09/07/2021 17:03

    Great answer, Chris!  You are correct, sometimes the correct answer is "no".  Always do the right thing for the student.

    Thank you for your post!

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